說話閥 (Speaking valve) :
為可重複使用的裝置,含有單向震動閥與15m m轉接頭,可用於開窗式或無氣囊的氣切套管。在自發的吸氣期間,震動閥打開,且空氣經由震動閥及氣切套管被吸入氣管及肺。呼氣時震動閥關閉,強迫空氣經由打開的空氣通道並通過聲帶來發聲。當沒有連接氧氣時,蓋在氧氣接口上的蓋子是用來做為衛生的蓋子並阻擋空氣回流。震動閥的蓋子與主體可以打開,以利清潔與查視。
說話閥 (紫色) Speaking Valve (Purple) - 紫色 : 留醫院期用, 顏色奪目讓醫護人員易查看到
Shiley Speaking Valve with Oxygen port (SSVO)
PMV 1003 (Purple) Low Profile – Lower Resistance Tracheostomy Speaking Valve
(15mm I.D./23mm O.D.) is identical to the TR PMV 1002 except for its colour. This valve is bright purple to facilitate staff awareness and monitoring of patients while using the PMV.
說話閥 (透明色) Speaking Valve (Clear) - 透明色 - 不太明顯, 方便較活躍人士
PMV 1002 (Clear) Low Profile – Lower Resistance Tracheostomy Valve
(15mm I.D./23mm O.D.) is lightweight and smaller than the original PMVs.
It is designed to be clear and less visible for the more ambulatory patient
可接氧氣駁咀 Speaking Valve Oxygen Adaptor (PMA2000) Passy-Muir Valve 02 Adaptor
Clip on oxygen adaptor.The Passy-Muir Valve O2 Adapter is small, lightweight, clear in colour and snaps onto both the TR PMV 1002 (Clear) and TR PMV 1003 (Purple) Tracheostomy and is easily removed when not in use. Oxygen is delivered in front of the diaphragm of the PMV to avoid complications associated with devices that provide continuous flow behind the diaphragm of a speaking valve which may include air trapping, drying of secretions and possible cilia damage.
呼吸機病人專用 (Ventilator Speaking Valve) 氣管造口說話瓣 (Speaking Valve)
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